To: The Membership of Local 721.

The Local hopes everyone is continuing to be safe and healthy!

We have a scheduled a Membership meeting next Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 via Zoom video conference starting at 6:00 pm.

This meeting will be recorded, and you will be notified of this as you connect to the meeting.

You will be muted during the meeting, but you can use the chat feature within Zoom to ask questions at the appropriate time. Please select “Everyone” under “Chat”, these will also be recorded.

Private Chatting is permitted between Members as well throughout the meeting.  These private chats are not saved and only visible to the people in the private chats. Please select from the “Chat Room” the individual you wish to speak to privately.

For the Zoom video meeting, here are the credentials:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 624 907 0495

Passcode: Local721

One tap mobile

+17789072071,,6249070495#,,,,,,0#,,790650# Canada

+12042727920,,6249070495#,,,,,,0#,,790650# Canada

Dial by your location

        +1 778 907 2071 Canada

        +1 204 272 7920 Canada

        +1 438 809 7799 Canada

        +1 587 328 1099 Canada

        +1 647 374 4685 Canada

        +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 624 907 0495

Passcode: 790650

Once you have connected via the link above, you will be placed in a waiting room, and admitted to the meeting once we’ve verified you are a member in good standing. The Chair reserves the right to disable anyone who is being disruptive during the zoom membership meeting. Please join the “Waiting Room” starting from 5:45pm to allow time for being granted access. No one will be admitted after 6:15pm.

Although, we are taking reasonable precautions to ensure only our membership is granted access to this zoom membership meeting, due to the public nature of the meeting when viewing, we cannot prevent anyone who can also view via someone who has been granted access. As such we will provide very limited financial details (bottom line numbers). Additionally, the Chair reserves the right to not discuss or answer questions that may affect the Local’s or individual’s privacy rights.  Please contact the Business Manager or President via email or phone any day AFTER the zoom meeting to address any issues or questions that could not be taken care of during the zoom meeting.

It is our hope that everything runs smoothly. We ask for your patience as we streamline the zoom meeting process moving forward until our regular Membership meetings are re-established physically at the Local Union Hall location.

Fraternally Yours,


Luiz Barros

IW 721 President

To download a copy of the meeting details, please click here.

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