Congratulations to Lynne Paquette on your upcoming retirement

Congratulations Lynne Paquette on your upcoming retirement from Ironworkers Local 721.
You have made such a difference in the lives of so many members and staff when they needed someone the most. You proved that it doesn’t take much to make a big impact in someone’s life.

You have been a dedicated and appreciated employee of our Local for over 30 years and your collegial good spirit will certainly be missed. That said, as a colleague who has become a friend, I’m happy you’ll now have more time to spend with your family.
It’s wonderful that you will continue helping others through your volunteer work and I applaud you for your efforts to give back.

On behalf of the staff and membership of IW Local 721 we will all miss your smiling face and hope that you’ll drop by to visit from time to time. Enjoy your upcoming retirement.

Best regards,
Luiz Barros
IW Local 721 President

Retirement Congratulations letter .PDF

A special video message from Lynne Paquette to all the members of Local 721

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